The second our anniversary was over, wedding prep took its place and we were busy. Well, I was busy helping prep and Brad was watching the boys and being awesome. *LOTS of pictures!!*
Getting manicure and/or pedicures! I opted for a mani because I am far too ticklish to really enjoy a pedi
The bride and our SIL, Angie
We spent the night in Sacramento because the sealing was at 9:30 in the morning and I really didn't feel like waking some boys up to get nice clothes on, sit in the car for over an hour, and be to the temple by 8:30-9ish. Nor did the rest of my family :) We had a family picnic at a fantastic park my mom found about twenty minutes away from our hotel. I have never seen such a cool park. There was a castle. A CASTLE to play on! Now that I think about it, they were both kind of castles, but one was a for sure play castle.
On the drive to Sacramento. I was taking a pic of Jack sleeping and Gav wanted more pics of him hiding behind the racoon. Silly weirdo
Cousin Lucas being awesome on the rope web
I realized going through my pictures I did NOT get a picture of the castle playground. Garg. But this is the other play ground right next to it that they mainly played on and was awesome
My brother, Sam, swinging the kids on the tire swing
Our amazing hotel room. They were all out of the rooms my mom reserved so we got a suite. Yessss
The wedding went wonderfully. I was lucky enough to go with my mom and help Rachel get ready for the sealing. It was definitely a special time together. When Rachel was taken to be with Thomas before the wedding, I went into the waiting room with the rest of my family... and lost it. Like embarrassingly lost it. I think the combination of my sister getting married, just celebrating our anniversary, having ALL of us in the temple together... all of that emotion just came pouring out my eyes. Luckily it didn't last too long (though longer than I would have preferred). The sealing was beautiful and Rach was aaaallll smiles through the whole thing :) Just like that, she became a Mrs!
The morning of
On my way out to help my sister!
The LDS Sacramento Temple. I forgot how beautiful this temple is. I haven't been inside since the open house in 2007 and it was so wonderful to be back for such a special occasion
Thomas and Rachel are married! I actually missed them coming out of the temple doors because I was chasing my crazy two-year old. Thanks, Jack ;)
Cousins (minus Jack, the maniac)- Sadie, Darci, James, Lucas, Chloe, Gavin, Rylee, and Maci
Apparently in front of the temple is the PERFECT place for a lie down. I'll wait...
I am in love with these doors- the entrance to the temple
Lucas was feeling the wait after the wedding. James was trying to wake him up a bit and help out his cousin
The photographers pictures-
Nieces and nephews...
The four of us... and me being the lone laugher...
Brothers and the baby sister
Us girls
All the sistersDo we know how to fake laugh or what!
All the brothers
The wonderful parentals
Nephews and nieces
Our Family
The happy couple
The rest of the day was taking pictures, a luncheon at Mimi's Cafe, driving back to my parent's house while the bride and groom went on their honeymoon (no reception for them), playing in the backyard with cousins, a delicious BBQ, having my in-laws spend some more time with us, eating wedding cake, and lots of talking. My family hasn't been all together since we lived in Idaho. That was five years ago! It was about dang time! And, man, was it awesome. Really really awesome- all of us and our families being together and loving one another. I know my kids were in cousin heaven, it was so cute.
Bride and groom chocolate covered apples
Gavin "patiently" waiting for his grilled cheese
Cutting the cake
How we found the boys when we went to bed that night
Guess our bed looked more welcoming than his sleeping bag
Sunday was the day we all went home. Too quick of a trip, but so glad it happened. Our usual 9-hour trip with stops turned into 11-hours. Poor Brad didn't feel too well through the mountains after Redding and we had to stop a few extra times for him to regroup. Then we ran into the most random traffic thirty minutes before we were home. Gah! But we made it.
Great post! Reminds me that I need to write about it in my journal! What a wonderful family day. So grateful we could all be together again!