

This past month, the miracle of having James in our lives has been very much on my mind. 2008's Mother's Day was very special because I had just found out I was pregnant and was just beyond excited (both Brad and I). This year on Mother's Day, my mind was on last year quite frequently and I found myself just staring at James, hardly believing he was now in my arms- this wonderful five-month old baby, who a year ago was the size of an itty-bitty mustard seed. Then this past Friday it had been one year since we first saw the wee babe in my womb and announced we were pregnant.
Remembering this also brought to my mind how wonderful Heavenly Father's plan of life is so miraculous and wonderful. That we are able to grow little babies, to bear them, and just love them so completely is so amazing. I love our sweet baby James and just know he is meant for our little family. I know he was given to us at the right time and though we had to wait, he was so very worth it. Life is just wonderful.
Embryo James at 9-weeksBaby James at 5 months


  1. He is so amazingly cute! What a personality he has! We are so happy he is in our family - truly blessed. :)

  2. he is a little miracle. love that first picture :)

  3. Such a cutie pie!!
    I wanted to tell you that my 3 year old thinks that James is him. I had your blog up on the screen just now and Nathan walks in and points at the screen and says "That's ME! Me when I baby!" I said "no, that's sweet baby James!" and he said "No, that's Nate!" lol I guess he's used to all of his baby pictures up on MY blog. =)
