
Out with the old, in with the NEW

It is time to say farewell to a once trusty sidekick... yes, it is time to lay down my RAZR to rest. I swear, my phone has been on its deathbed for quite a number of months. Out of nowhere, I would have no battery left. Very shady business. I had one of the original silver RAZR's so the RAZR has come quite a ways from when I got mine. But I now have a cooler phone. I got a slider! It's the new Samsung a737... in red! I'm way excited because now there won't be an annoying buzzing sound when people call me, my phone won't die out of no where, I'll get better reception... it's just all around goodness.


  1. I love the Christmas tree. Very beautiful. Ours is fake because they don't have real ones in japan. Any how cool phone too. Thats another thing the Japanese have the coolest cell phones. They have ones with screens that rotate so you can watch T.V. Its pretty neat. I feel like such a loser because we don't have one. have a good night.

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  4. sweet phone. do i want to know how much it cost? i need to get neil a new one for Christmas. but i have a feeling that one is out of my price range...
