I remember after James being born and thinking, "This little guy will be going to school one day. That's so crazy to think about! He's just this sweet and innocent baby- it feels like that will never happen!" Alas, it has. Mister James is now in school... a kindergartner.
Here he is on his first day. He loved it!
This face says it all. So very James
On our way to school!
This little brother really wanted his pic taken too. Seriously such a cutie
At school
My sis came down the night before for wedding stuff and stayed so she could see James on his first day
James sat right down in his chair and immediately wrote his name on the paper
This week is his first full week of school. James is already insisting he can walk to his classroom all by himself. "I know how to get there, Mom." So we wait with him outside the doors and watch him go in, all by his lonesome (aka surrounded by a bunch of other kindergartners heading in the same direction). I'm so proud of him, wanting to do things on his own. When we pick him up, we all immediately get and give hugs- we miss our James :)
He looks so grown up, these kids really need to stop growing up!