
Missed Photos

The other day I uploaded a ton of photos from our camera and I realized I had forgot to put a lot on here. So here is a summary in pictures (and a few words) of what's been going on the last month or so...
Nana's visit!
 After their date to the movies- James had so much fun
Playground fun- can you tell Jack loves sand? 
Hendricks Park  
Sister photos- can never be serious together 
Jim Gaffigan at the Hult Center! So. Dang. Funny.  
Mastering our steep stairs. He's getting too big :( 
Painting woodhouses. James had been waiting for this day for a looong time 
RIGHT before we had to be at a ward BBQ and I was finishing the dessert I had made, Brad found Jack playing with their hair stuff on the couch. He was rather proud of himself. All we could do was laugh, take pictures, and clean up :)
Visit from Grandpa Jim! Brad's dad rode his bike up to visit with us for a few days on his ride to Washington to see his brother-in-law, who has cancer
Love these guys 
The night before Gavin's birthday, I went to our room around ten to get wrapping paper for the presents and this is what I found: 
Had to put the shirt from Grandma and Grandpa on right away 
FLINGING paper off his new dump truck 
Helping Mommy make the birthday cake 
 Not the best, but they were happy- Star Wars cake!
Trying to get a picture of their long hair before we cut it later and got this adorable pic 
Looking through the cannon holes... 
and a photo bomb 
Hello, blue eyes 
Being goofy together... well... I am 
That was waaaay too many pictures. If you made it all the way through, congratulations. That's our life right now! It's pretty mellow, but man... it really is just awesome.

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