I find great irony in this situation:
I was finally able to flip through the IKEA catalog this last weekend. Mind you, not all in one night but I got through it. When I was looking at the second half, for some reason I had to stop reading suddenly and get off my bed. Of course I put the uncapped red marker in the catalog to make sure I didn't lose my spot. Because that would be devastating. When I got back to it, a mere 2-minutes later (if that), there was a nice, bright red spot waiting for me. The marker had fallen out. Uuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhh. NOOOOOO!!! I only used that marker because I couldn't find a pen fast enough! I painstakingly took the duvet cover off our comforter (which did NOT have red on it- phew!) and headed downstairs for some stain remover. Let it sit, put it in the washer. Like a dummy, did not check to see if it was out before putting it in the dryer. Pulled it out this morning- red spot still there, along with 5 + pink spots, varying in brightness. The boys kept saying how pretty the spots were. Somebody appreciated my blunder.
I think it is safe to say we're in the market for a new duvet cover. See the irony??? It's like IKEA knows we leaf through its pages with a marker, making sure we know what we are craving from their oh so wonderful store, hoping we do so on a couch or bed so when/if we drop our marker, we are now obligated to shop their low prices. Nice move, IKEA. Nice move. We'll see if we like what you got.
Like two months ago I purchased the boys' future duvet covers. Will they be using them soon? No. I don't want them getting ruined prematurely. But there was free shipping from West Elm and Pottery Barn Kids on the 4th of July and I hate shipping prices, so Brad let me get them. Here is what their room will be:
Grey, navy, and lime rugby stripes with a nautical decor theme. Love!
I would love to have rugby stripes on our bed... but let's not overdue it, right? So what are we to do? We are both so picky when it comes to this kind of stuff. It's a lot of money for your bed stuff! I'm sure we (I, with Brad's input after I've narrowed it down) will be looking at a looooot of different places to find just the right duvet cover for us. I hate shopping for duvet covers, so wish me luck. Or give me suggestions. I'll need both :)
Keep me updated in what you find! "Our" (jason & the girls') puppy chewed a hole in the bottom of our comforter so we are searching as well. We need to redo our bedroom anyway in something more our taste (sans wallpaper boarder and hunter green blinds). Maybe the puppy does love me...
ReplyDeleteGood thing Ikea didn't sell you the markers or they'd be in big trouble!!
ReplyDeleteIt just seems like something I would do. And you know, if you need a shopping partner I know a sister who might be at your disposal.
ReplyDeleteThose are SO cute! I have no advice. I stink at decorating, but I can pray for you if you want. :)
ReplyDeleteCan you use a bleach pen to get the spots out? They are quite handy. You know, just while you search for a new duvet cover, of course.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!! When we bought our first bed set I narrowed it down to a couple I liked. When I showed Lance he just said "I don't care." So I got the girlier one that I liked best...which he now hates. :) Needless to say he learned his lesson of saying "I don't care." Your post just reminded me of that.
ReplyDeleteDid you try researching other solutions? It's really pretty. Love your idea for your boys room - going to be super cute!