
Catch Up

I am happy to report that we are now safely residing in the beautiful state of Oregon. Life is still sinking in for me... we were stand-still for so long, it feels weird to be moving forward. Brad doesn't officially start school until the end of September, but he is taking a 3-week math refresher course that they recommend to everyone in the econ program. Brad has gone to our ward a few times, but my first time was this last Sunday. So far, so good. Super friendly and welcoming. In fact, this whole city is super nice- makes me smile wherever we go! I love it. The biggest thing we're/I'm getting used to is being a mom to two little boys. For the most part, it's all going great :) 

Here are some pics to update on what has been happening {which really isn't much} and new pics of Gavin
Such a cutie
Before we left, we headed up to Sacramento so my grandma, aunt, and a few cousins could meet Gavin. 
My grandma and me- I just love her
Someone was a bit tuckered out from how busy he was... poor, wonderful guy. Such a trooper
On our way to Oregon! He drove half way ;)
James wouldn't go down at the hotel so we had him stay in bed watching TV with us. He went to the edge to get off... and passed out. Way too cute
Grandpa Pat came up with us! He had to leave the next day- last chance holding Gavin
Daddy/Baby time
We made Muddy Buddies and guess who won the peanut butter spoon?! What a hit!
Little Gavin loves to be on his tummy- unlike his older brother
Just a cute picture of James goofing off in the blanket basket
More to come once things start getting to normalcy- I am keeping myself busy with the two little boys and trying to get this apartment together. I still feel like I'm in the "moving" stage. Can't wait to have things where they belong and no moving messes! Because let's face it- messes are a part of our daily life now!


  1. glad everything is going well! Your boys are so adorable!!

  2. good to hear you are loving oregon so far. it is one of the most beautiful states out there :) audie will miss james at her 2 year old party...i think an elmo theme is in the making.
